
CCMH offers free virtual workshops for school staff and parents on a range of mental health topics. 

If you are interested in hosting one of our workshops for your school or organization,  send us an email with your name and phone number!

List of Presentation Topics:* 

For Parents

Adolescent Substance Use: How You Can Support the Teen in Your Home

Anger Management for Teens

Executive Functioning For Parents

Identifying & Coping With Grief in Children

Internet Safety

Identifying Mental Health Needs in Youth

Parenting & COVID-19

Student Success From Start to Finish

Transitioning Back to In-Person Learning For Parents


Dealing with Grief and Loss

For School Staff: 

Anger Management for Teens

Executive Functioning For Teachers

Identifying & Coping With Grief in Children

Internet Safety

Identifying Mental Health Needs in Youth

Student Success From Start to Finish

*If there is a mental health or counseling topic that you are interested in, but you do not see listed here, please email us at to discuss developing a new presentation. 

Past Workshop Recordings:

To view other past recordings of workshops, please email

Helping Youth With Learing & Organization (Hosted by Sinergia)

This presentation aims to help parents understand and help their children with the daily skills needed for school success. These skills, referred to as “executive functioning”, include organization, planning tasks, following directions, exhibiting self-control and remembering information. This presentation will provide information on supporting children's executive functioning in the context of supporting a child with a disability. At the end of the presentation, we will share resources for families and answer questions.

Anger Management for Teens (Hosted by Sinergia)

This presentation aims to help attendees learn more about anger management for teens. We will review what anger is, why we get angry, misconceptions about anger, common anger responses and reactions, and signs of anger. We will also explain how we can manage anger through prevention as well as crisis survival skills. At the end of the presentation, we will share resources for teens and families. 

Also Available Here: Recorded Video

Internet Safety (Hosted by Sinergia)

This presentation aims to help parents understand how they can help create safe spaces to talk about internet safety with their children and teens. We'll review common social media platforms, the dangers of the internet, and internet tips for parents.

Also Available Here: Recorded Video

Transitioning Back to In-Person Learning for Parents (Hosted by Sinergia)

This presentation will offer parents insight into managing their children's routines as they transition from remote to in-person schooling. We will discuss how COVID-19 may have affected their children's normal lifestyles, how to detect signs of stress, and how to put strategies in place to assist their coping skills. We will also address how to help children with special needs and English language learners who may require specialized supports during these challenging times.

Also Available Here: Recorded Video