About Me

Why did I choose this topic?

I chose this topic for a couple of reasons. My first encounter with any form of social media was YouTube. I used to watch beauty guru videos religiously and what I really loved watching was family channels. My favorite channels were Daily Bumps, 8 Passengers, and The Shaytards.  As I got older I noticed how some of the content these channels were posting were a little strange. For example, some of the video titles and context were "Shaving for the first time",  "Teenage doctor visits", "Period talks", and "Back to School clothes shopping". Some of these topics can be uncomfortable for someone who is going through it for the first time and on top of that having it posted on the internet for your friends to see is hard too. These children were being used for fame and money and having their daily lives turned into a full-time jobs. I wanted to bring to light the abuse that these children face and stop it.

-Jalene Saint-Eloi