Social Analysis

What is Social Analysis? 

The careful examination of a social problem, issue, or trend, frequently with the intention of bringing about changes in the context within a study. I keep a close study on what goes on within the foster care system and the underlying causes of this injustice. 

Unprivileged child and care giver living in a unsafe housing 

   Analysis in the F.C.S

Analyzing the Abuse and Neglect in the Foster Care system has shown me that in the United States children in this system are unprivileged and even marginalized. Becoming aware of the intersectionality in the foster care system, with children’s race, gender, and/or age can benefit or not benefit them due to the overlapping of different social categorizations. There are set ideologies around this system to provide temporary care, shelter, and protection for foster children. This system of ideas is the expectation, but there are faults in the people’s views on the foster care system because due to my research of the reality shows, there is not a fair distribution of opportunities for those being abused and neglected in the foster care system.  

More Data

When compiling all of the data and information about the kids in the foster care system in America, a few quotes caught my attention: "Children of color are disproportionately removed from a home where they are attached when the evidence for removal is insufficient." "African-American children are less likely to be adopted or reunited than Caucasian children." The stats that back this claim up is that 16.1% of black children in foster care for 2 years or longer were adopted compared to 22.4% of white children. People of color are disproportionately marginalized in the foster care system, according to these statistics. On the surface, there appears to be child abuse and neglect, but within the system, one race is given more privileges than another. This is the awareness I care to bring to people, the things we don't see that happen within the system. There has not been much change with the abuse and neglect within the system, but failing to acknowledge that there is still work to be done on the system leads to another problem with desensitization.  

An African American child within the foster care system