Do I Have To File?

[Updated Feb 16, 2024] 

[See also the page: Can I File Late?]  

This page only applies to F or J visa holders whose status is nonresident alien. If you had income in states other than Oregon, some of this information may not apply to you.

Who Has To File?

ALL Nonresident Aliens on F or J Visa

Even if you had no U.S. income during this past tax year (Jan 1 - Dec 31), if you are a nonresident alien on an F or J visa and present in the U.S. during the year on one or more days, you have to submit an 8843 for that year. (Days of U.S. entry and U.S. exit do not count as a day present in the U.S.)  If you have dependents (spouse and/or children) with you in the U.S. on your F or J visa, they will each have to submit an 8843 (part I only). Parents may complete the forms for their younger children. See instructions.

If You Had U.S. Income

Each year you are a nonresident alien on an F or J visa and have income from a U.S. source (for example, you had a campus job or CPT or OPT), you need to file a federal and possibly a state tax return. Not all states have personal income tax. If you work in Oregon, you are required to file an Oregon return (OR-40-N).

See "Getting Help" and "Sprintax Questions" for help with completing your federal and State of Oregon tax returns.

Federal Income Tax Return

Nonresident aliens will complete and submit IRS Form 1040-NR to report taxable income. 

Oregon Department of Revenue Tax Return

See Oregon Income Tax instructions for OR 40-N, page 5, for information about who must file an Oregon return. 

The following applies to most nonresident alien students and scholars.

If you must file an Oregon return, you must submit a copy of your federal return (even if you are not required to file a federal return). 

City of Portland Arts Tax

See Portland Arts Tax.