EVERYONE has potential to be a leader. LEADERSHIP is an action, not a title.


No one in the audience can see your title or your experience.

The only title you carry with you in performance is the mantle of the Fort Madison High School Band.

Band together or fall apart.


  • Great leaders don't control, they empower. Read more about the dangers of poor leadership practices in this great article.
  • Find out just how powerful attitude can be, and why Attitude is Everything when it comes to working towards success.
  • The absolute gold standard when it comes to student leadership within the band setting is the fantastic and inspiring "Dr. Tim." For years, he has been working with student leaders to help them realize their potential so they and their bandmates can excel beyond what they dreamed was possible. His influence can be found in organizations across the globe. While he does his work exclusively through Music for All, there are quite a few gems on Youtube. You can start with this search. Enjoy!
  • The George N. Parks Drum Major Academy has been the training ground for thousands of high school drum majors for more than 40 years. Students interested in becoming a drum major, field commander, or any student leader here at Fort Madison will certainly benefit from what the academy has to offer. This is one of the absolute best resources preparing leaders within the band program. It is also required for students selected to be Field Commander or Drum Major (details in the Drum Major/Field Commander Audition Packet).
  • In band, just as in life, no matter what your role, you're going to face challenges daily. Choosing to face these challenges, rather than ignore them, is just as important as being equipped to handle them. “Mental resources like determination, self-worth, and kindness are what make us resilient: able to cope with adversity and push through challenges in the pursuit of opportunities.” Learn more about how to better develop and apply your mental resources in this great article from Tony Fahkry.


Learning how we work together to motivate ourselves and our bandmates is essential to success as a leader. There have been incredible discoveries in the business world that have proven that what we know about typical "if you do that, then you get this" motivation is flawed. Daniel Pink outlines this research and makes a case for why the most successful leaders have changed the way they motivate those around them. While the evidence and research exists outside of the music world, the results are highly relatable.

After watching this video, it becomes apparent that, we as leaders, are tasked with ensuring that we always focus on WHY we do what we do.


Another important lesson from the business world is brought to you by Simon Sinek: Start with WHY. This is crucial for keeping focus when things get tough, and this presentation makes an excellent case for keeping WHY you are here at the front of your thoughts to motivate your actions.

Break out of your "Comfort Zone"

"If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old."

Living in the grey areas of the graphic to the left can be comfortable, but it breeds complacency, apathy, and mediocrity. One step out of your comfort zone, is not a commitment. It's sticking your toe in the water to see how it feels. What you'll find there in the fear zone will make you want to get out of that water straight away.

Go whole hog and break free into the learning zone. Deal with problems, rather than avoid them. Grow through acquiring new skills. On the other side, we find passion, joy, and excellence.

Important rules for maintaining the integrity of the program:


What do you believe?

In the graphic on the right, one side is a fixed mindset. The other is a growth-mindset. Which do you think is essential for the pursuit of excellence?

Here's a great article to help adopt a growth mindset in the face of adversity. How we meet challenges with difficult situations, music, drill, people, etc... makes all the difference in the world. Develop an Orientation towards Solution.

What kind of leader are you?

What success really looks like.

Too often we will find ourselves admiring the talents and skills of some fairly phenomenal performers. We find ourselves inspired at first, perhaps in awe of their abilities. Quickly, the inspiration turns to feelings of inadequacy.

"They have so much natural talent."

"They must just be really good."

"I'll never be that good."

We forget that behind each talent we admire there is a plethora of perspiration, hardship, and commitment to the pursuit of excellence that drive these individuals towards greatness. Success doesn't just come, it is earned.

Do not despair. You can be that good too. You can even be better.

Imperative questions of self-reflection :

"What if everyone did it the way I'm doing it?"

"What if it were the rehearsals we remember instead of the performances?"

"Am I holding myself to the same standards I expect from my bandmates?"

"Am I looking for problems or solutions?"


Get up and finish the race - A wonderful and inspirational poem about the power of rising after we fall.

Leaders are Readers

Here are a few great books on leadership you may want to check out as you continue to develop your skills.

Personality Plus - By Florence Littauer

One of the most important aspects of realizing our leadership potential is to know and recognize ourselves. Our traits and tendencies, our personality, and most importantly; how we are perceived by others. In her book, Personality Plus, Florence Littauer describes four basic personality traits that people can exhibit. Learning which category our own personality best reflects will go a very long way towards understanding how to interact with others. There are a few resources online that will allow you to take a personality test, and gives you a great deal of insight into how we think, behave, and interact with others. Here is a helpful pdf that highlights these traits, and provides a test for you to see where you fall. If you're interested in learning more, I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Personality Plus for yourself!

The 21 irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Audiobook available on Youtube for FREE!

"The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership shows you that leadership is learned not inherited and that you can become a leader too, if you internalize some of the universal principles at play in any leader-follower-relationship.

John C. Maxwell is a leadership legend. Originally coming from a church background, he’s become a leadership expert thanks to decades of leading various churches throughout the US, working as a pastor and teacher, and eventually transitioned into talking about leadership for executives and companies.

Today he’s leading a company that’s focused on providing leadership training and education to Fortune 500 companies and businesses. Starting in 1979, he’s also published dozens of books on the topic, some of which have become bestsellers, and having sold over 20 million copies in total.

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership is his most popular one and it shares the very core principles at play in leader-follower relationships Maxwell has taken note of throughout his life."

Summary by Niklas Goeke

Be Inspired by Great Leaders

Available on Amazon Kindle for FREE!

Leadership: A Practical Guide is packed with examples of famous leaders who achieved brilliant things against all odds.

You’ll discover their ideas, strategies and tried and tested winning solutions, which can be applied to the opportunities and challenges that you face.

So whether you’re starting from scratch as a new leader, needing to raise your game, or aiming to do what great leaders do and aim even higher, this practical yet inspirational guide will help you to perform at your very best.


As referenced at the top of this page.

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us is the fourth non-fiction book by Daniel Pink. As Mr. Pink expresses at the beginning of his video, the books make the case that human motivation is largely intrinsic, and that the aspects of this motivation can be divided into autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

The Dynamic Drum Major

For over 40 years, thousands of students from across the country have attended the George N. Parks Drum Major Academy for training in the art of being a Drum Major or Field Commander. This book is the textbook for that Academy.

In addition to conducting basics, the book dives deep into the essence of peer-band leadership which are expected from all band members, but essential for student leaders.

101 Series from John Maxwell

The Complete 101 Collection includes material that helps readers reach their potential at stage of their leadership development. These short books can be thought of as a crash course in leadership, a practical tool to sharpen the core fundamentals every professional needs.

Contents include a 101 on attitude, self-improvement, leadership, relationships, success, teamwork, equipping, and mentoring.

The Leader of the Band

Scott Lang has emerged as one of the hardest working Musical Leadership Gurus today. He has a wide variety of online resources, videos, and available leadership training guides that are great points of study for young musicians.

From his website:

"Lessons for the Young Teacher in All of Us

Leader of the Band is a heartwarming and inspiring look into the classroom antics and personal lives of nine truly remarkable teachers. Through their own words and Scott Lang's compelling storytelling, share in their triumphs, heartbreaks, and lessons learned from decades worth of real-world experience. Leader of the Band is filled with valuable tips and keen insights about what distinguishes an amazing classroom and the qualities it takes to create one. This book promises to challenge your beliefs, engage your mind, and fill your heart with joy. Join in the journey!"

Start With Why

As referenced at the top of this page.

Simon Sinek is a giant at the forefront of groundbreaking leadership development. Through research, he has uncovered and articulated the cultural shifts in motivation, inspiration, and passion - and - how to awaken and evoke these traits in one's self and in others. Be sure to check out the video at the top of this page for his TED Talk on the subject.

The Culture Code

In this book, Daniel Coyle explores some of the world's highest achieving organizations to uncover the secrets behind their success. From businesses, to sports teams, to covert military operations, no stone was left unturned when researching the culture or success.

Thinking for a Change

Another great from leadership educator John Maxwell. Thinking for a Change focuses on individual mindset and how it relates to success in relationships and ambitious endeavors.

"A unique premier not on what to think, but how to best use one of your most precious possessions: your mind.

  • Big-Picture Thinking - seeing the world beyond your own needs and how that leads to great ideas.
  • Focused Thinking - removing mental clutter and distractions to realize your full potential.
  • Creative Thinking - thinking outside the box and making breakthroughs.
  • Shared Thinking - working with others to compound results
  • Reflective Thinking - looking at the past to gain a better understanding of the future."

- From the book's rear cover