1.1 Authorized users

As forwarded by the Policy, only staff belonging to the Research and Innovation Center as researchers, technologists, Ph.D. students and degreed technicians can register their publications/works in IRIS-OpenPub.

The authors working in the other FEM structures must contact the library staff that will take care of the process. The reporting should be sent to openpub.library@fmach.it, providing a copy of the work, the semantic descriptors (keywords, MIUR disciplinary code) and all the data in charge of the submitter

1.2 How to get log in credentials

Authorized users directly access ther personal view from the public portal https://openpub.fmach.it/ (login on top right) using their own institutional credentials, thanks to a SSO system based on Shibbolet software via IDEM-GARR network.

In case of issue please write to IRIS_OpenPub staff (openpub.library@fmach.it) or call -229 (Lucia Zadra) or -125 (Alessandra Lucianer)