Community Education

Families in Transition works diligently to raise awareness in our community and provide education to adults and children to reduce the risk of being victimized, learn to recognize the signs that someone is being victimized and how to connected individuals with us to get them to the safety and support services they need to free themselves from abusive situations. If you are interested in having us speak to your group or receiving training, email

•Community Education and Training (Youth Groups, Sunday School Classes, Businesses, School Personnel, Law Enforcement and First Responders, etc.)

- Raise Awareness of the Domestic Violence, Teen Dating Violence and Human Trafficking Issues in our Community

- Skills Parents need to Prevent their Child from Becoming a Victim of Teen Dating Violence and Trafficking

- Recognizing Signs that Someone May Be A Victim

- Services Available through Families in Transition

•Safe Dates Curriculum – to educate youth and adolescents in schools and group settings on how to identify and prevent dating violence. Through ten engaging sessions, students learn and discuss the causes of dating violence, how they can help a friend in an abusive relationship, common gender stereotypes regarding dating violence, and important prevention techniques.

•Increasing awareness in the Hispanic Community, translating all brochures and working towards facilitating support groups in the Spanish Language

•Placing Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence Cards at local truck stops and hotels.