Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence is defined as the physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional aggression within a dating relationship, including stalking. It can occur in person or electronically and might occur between a current or former dating partner.


  • Nearly 20.9% of female high school students and 13.4% of male high school students report being physically or sexually abused by a dating partner.

  • Nearly 1.5 million high school students in the United States are physically abused by dating partners every year.

  • A 2013 study of 10th graders found that 35% had been either physically or verbally abused; 31% were perpetrators of physical or verbal abuse.

  • A 2014 study found 10% of teenage students in dating relationships were coerced into sexual intercourse in the previous year.

  • A 2013 study found 26% of teens in relationships were victims of cyber dating abuse. Females were twice as likely to be victims as males.

  • 57% of teens know someone who has been physically, sexually, or verbally abusive in a dating relationship.

  • Only 33% of teenage dating abuse victims ever told anyone about it.

  • 50% of youth reporting dating violence and rape also reported attempting suicide. This is compared to 12.5% of non-abused girls and 5.4% of non-abused boys.

Source: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


  • name-calling or putdowns

  • keeping a partner from contacting family and friends

  • withholding money

  • stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job

  • actual or threatened physical harm

  • sexual assault

  • stalking

  • intimidation

  • checking cell phones, emails or social networks without permission

  • extreme jealousy

  • explosive temper

  • repeatedly pressuring to have sex

  • bullying – online, texting and in person

24 Hour Crisis Hotlines

Domestic Violence


Human Trafficking/Sexual Assault

870-394-4830 8:00am - 4:00pm

901-422-3514 or 870-732-4077 After Hours

Surviving Family Members of Homicide Victims

870-394-4830 8:00am - 4:00pm

901-422-1793 or 870-732-4077 After Hours