Mini-Course: Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics


Lecturer: Prof. Milan Zukovic, Pavol Jozef Safárik University



This mini-course aims to give an introduction to Monte Carlo simulations with applications in magnetic systems. The Monte Carlo method is an important method to solve problems that are intractable by analytic or other means. This method is also used in several areas, such as: phase transitions in condensed matter physics, modeling of biological molecules, fluid flow, neutron diffusion in reactor, statistical Bayesian analysis, optimization, image processing, bioinformatics, etc.

In these lectures, we begin with the basic principles of Monte Carlo method, introducing in an elementary way the generation of random numbers, concept of Markov chain, Metropolis algorithm, and analysis of Monte Carlo data. We also demonstrate the use of Monte Carlo method from applications in statistical physics and other fields. In other part of the lectures, we will present more advanced topics, i.e., efficient simulation methods (simulated tempering, multicanonical methods, cluster algorithms among others). The simulations will be developed in MATLAB or OCTAVE.

Graduate students and researchers are most suited for this mini-course. Computers are available for exercises.

Time Schedule: June 6, Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

June 7, Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

June 8, Thursday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

June 9, Friday, 14:00 - 16:00 (202)

June 12, Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

June 13, Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

June 14, Wednesday, 14:00 - 16:00 (222)

Location: FIS-222 and CATIS - 202 (Computer Lab)


Students enrolled:

1 - Fabrício de Sá Hora Santos

2 - Ralbeni Cezário de Menezes

3 - David Cristiano da Silva

4 - Elpidio Sousa Santos

5 - Wescley Luiz de Souza

6 - Cláudio Marcelo Salgado

7 - Harold Sócrates Blas Achic

8 - Thiago Miranda Tunes

9 - Eduardo Delmondes Silva

10 - Thiago Nunes Jorge

11 - Thiago Andrade de Toledo

12 - Sidnei Rogerio Ferreira

13 - Hector Flores Callisaya

14 - Julián Alberto Faúndez Chaura

15 - Silvio da Silva Santiago

16 - Ângela Rocha

17 - Wiliana Alves Rosa

18 - Matheus Pinheiro de Camargo Silva

19 - Bruno de Oliveira Pereira

Last update: June 2, 2017