
Runner Checklist and Race Prep

Click the link below for a list of the basics that you need to have ready for practices and race days.

Check those shoes

If you are wearing the same shoes that you did last season or you are  just starting out with old shoes then you need to consider a new pair. We typically run enough mileage over the season to wear them out. Good shoes can help set you up for success in cross country. Poor fitting or worn out shoes can work against you and sometimes lead to an injury. Here is a quick look at some things to consider when selecting running shoes for cross country runners. The second item is most important...go somewhere for expert advice. You want a local reputable shop where  they can analyze your gait and put you in the right shoes, not necessarily the coolest looking or most expensive ones.

Online Running Log

We like to use Strava to log our mileage and track our weekly leaderboard. If you are not part of the crew you can submit a request to join by clicking below.

XC Team Scoring

Team scoring is pretty straight forward. The object is to have the lowest team score. Each runner earns a point based on their finishing place in the race and only the top 7 runners on a team count towards the scoringThe first 5 finishing runners on the team score points. For instance, if one of the first 5 team runners finishes 12th in the race then that individual accrues 12 points for the team.  Add up all 5 runners and this is the team's total. The 6th and 7th runners are considered displacers and will cause opposing teams' runners to earn an extra point if the opposing team runners finish behind them. A perfect score in cross country would be 15 as the team runners would come in first, second, third, fourth and fifth place all totaling 15 points.  If there is a tie between teams then the 6th runner's finish is used as the tiebreaker.

Pace Calculator

How do you know how fast to pace yourself in your training and during races? Hello pace calculator. One of the best resources available was created by Dr. Jack Daniels (Olympian, Coach, Exercise Scientist, Author and Mentor). 

He developed the VDOT training approach which is based on measuring  your current running ability. It assigns a score to all running performances and let's you equate a time in one distance against another. For instance, you can compare your VDOT score from a recent 5k result to a friend's score who just ran a half marathon. Who won? 

We'll continue to discuss how to use the times to your advantage but here is the link to get you there quicker.

Lacing Up!

Before you head out the door take another look at those laces. Keeping your foot stable during your running session is important. We will review in person but here are some quick links to help out.

Run Types

Click the link below to view a quick summary of the different run types that you should integrate into your training. These varieties help mix things up to avoid stagnation but also to help improve your form, speed and overall conditioning. Bring your best to race day and work these runs into your weekly mileage.


This is one of the simplest forms of core exercise that most like to avoid. Check out a quick primer below from fitness instructor BJ Gaddour to get you started or to help you clean up your form.

Keep pushing beyond our ACS Challenge. Back to basics. Make it a habit and hit the ground on a regular basis.

Learn to love those squats

Squats are a fantastic body weight exercise to include regularly in your conditioning circuit.  These should become a foundation in your routine. Learn to get them done correctly and your running will certainly reap the benefits from stronger legs and a solid core.

FHSAA Cross Country portal

Not sleeping well? Head on over to locate the FHSAA for dates and rules governing cross country - reading this should help you relax ;).  Coach utilizes this resource all of the time to keep the team on track. In case you have any interest here is the link. 

If not then coach has you covered so go back to sleep.