Run through the list below to make sure you have what you need to be ready for practice or race day!

  • Water Bottle(s): this is mandatory for every practice and every race; bring enough to get you through both

  • Towel: we will be on the ground for core stuff; recommended also for the ride home; bring a large one for the ground and a small one to help cool you off post workout

  • Shoes + socks: bring your running shoes (of course), flats or spikes for race days; wear comfortable shoes/ sandals for pre or post race

  • Uniform for meets: Race top and black shorts

  • Practice clothing: wear comfortable, breathable athletic wear and a change of clothes for going home

  • Start times and location: Know where you need to be and when you need to be there

  • GPS watch: not required but use it to track your time if you have one

  • Sunscreen: we do live in the Sunshine State

  • Bug spray: we will be running in many wooded areas and unpaved areas

  • Deodorant: this is for everybody's well being heading home

  • Sunglasses: optional

  • Hat: optional

  • Snacks: post practice or post race; this includes any sports drink to help with recovery

  • Lacrosse ball: optional but recommended for recovery

  • Positive Attitude: probably the most important thing to remember is that we are here to have FUN and to elevate each other; this is completely in your control