
Our goal is to promote an appreciation and willingness to serve others while developing a personal responsibility to give back to our local community. Opportunities are provided to work together in a fun atmosphere while helping to meet an important need.

Next event:

Stay Tuned

date to be determined

Mega Pantry at HCC

We have several upcoming dates already scheduled for our group. Come out and join us early on a Saturday morning to help distribute food. The weekly event is very well organized and we can all work together to help out with this critical need.  

Check out the calendar for our upcoming scheduled dates.  You can also learn more about Feeding Tampa Bay and consider helping out and/ or making a donation. Do some good in the neighborhood.

Sydney Dover Trails Park Project

COMPLETED Saturday, April 9th at Sydney Dover Trails (830am to 1pm)

In conjunction with the Boy Scouts of America our group installed trail distance markers for this park. These will be very useful to park visitors and our team when we come out again for training

Gasparilla Distance Classic Aid Stations

Our group handled business at the race weekend in February. Our crew worked the water side at the intersection of Bayshore Blvd and South Blvd and also the median at Bayshore Blvd and Rubideaux. Everyone had a fun time supporting the local running community while raising funding for our team. Win! Win! Thanks again for everyone who assisted.

Best aid station on the race course!...or at least that's what coach says. Look to do it again in 2024.