Michelle Lewis

As a 25 year veteran in the classroom Michelle Lewis has seen her share of students come and go. Her current assignment is teaching math and science to 7th grade students at Donnell Middle School. Lewis was born and raised in Mansfield, Ohio where she began her journey in education. “In high school, I taught swim lesson and learned the value of being patient and how rewarding it is when a student finally makes a break through,” stated Lewis.

Once he completed high school she attended college and Miami University where she received her Bachelor’s degree. She continued her education at the University of Findlay where she received a Master’s in Education. Lewis is involved in a number of activities at Donnell including being a leader in the Ignite program, a technology group that helps to train teachers. A member of the RTI team, the Building Leadership Team, and the activities council which helps to plan assemblies at school.

It’s not just the students that have praise for Lewis. Fellow teacher Mike Wilson explains, “Michelle has been instrumental in helping the 7th grade science program to gather data from our students and really use it to drive the lessons that we teach.”

When asked what was the most memorable thing about teaching Lewis resonded, “The one thing that stands out in my mind are the graduation announcements. It is such an honor to me that students thinks enough of me to ask them to attend this milestone in their lives. I just last summer attended two weddings of former students. When I received the invites, I was astonished that I made such a difference when they were 8 years old, that they wanted me there.”