Social Studies


Text: Social Studies Alive - America’s Past

Mrs. Conroy & Mr. Meyer

The Social Studies program will be taught by Mrs. Conroy and Mr Meyer. We will be trying to make History come alive!!:) A goal is to excite the learners as we dive into a study of the people and history of the United States.

We begin with a look at the five themes of geography, defining terms and applying knowledge to the geography of the United States and around the world. We will trace the travels of the first Natives and compare and contrast life in various regions. The adventure gets more exciting when we investigate European Explorers and why they set out for the new world. Students will also have the opportunity to learn about early settlements and will analyze the dilemmas of facing slavery. With the growth of colonies, students will evaluate the rising tension between the colonies and Great Britain and will be introduced to prominent colonists in the quest to declare independence. Students will engage in activities that will allow a deeper understanding of the American Revolution. We will also study the building of government set up by the Constitution.

Opportunities will be available for students to participate in a variety of activities. We will be using technology to support learning as well as research and completing culminating projects. To access the textbook online head to and login as a student.

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Username: KF(student number) KF10

Password: knappforest