Recommended Weekly Practice

IXL skill codes provided may be worked on at home for additional targeted skill practice. Please choose skill code that best matches your independent level of practice. Instructional level skill codes will be practiced with a growth group teacher at school.

Please use your individual usernames and passwords: Thank you to our PTO for providing these accounts for our students!

Username: Please type kfe followed by a your classroom number and then @kfe (example: kfe1@kfe)

Password: ALL students will use the password "knappforest"


Math Links

Unit 1 - Area and Volume

3.W.5 - Area models with fractions

3.FF.18 Relationship between area and perimeter

4.BB.11 Area and perimeter word problems

5.EE.4 Area with squares and rectangles

5.EE.7 Area with compound figures

5.EE.13 Volume of cubes and rectangular prisms

Unit 2 - Whole Number Place Value and Operations

4.E.7 . Divide two digit dividends by one digit divisors

4.E.22 Divide multi-digit dividends by two digit divisors

4.D.17 Complete the missing steps in the traditional method for multi digit multiplication

4.D.19 Multiply a two digit number times a two digit number in a word problem

5.Z.1 . Choose the appropriate unit of measure - US Customary System

Language Arts Links

4.A.4 Identify the simple subject of a sentence

4.D.8 Pronoun-verb Agreement

5.B.1- Identify Nouns- with abstract nouns

5.B.2- Identifying proper and common nouns

5.C.1- Using personal pronouns

5.C.6- Using possessive pronouns

5.C.10- Use relative pronouns: who and whom

5.C.11- Use relative pronouns: who, whose, whom, which and that

5.D.1- Identifying main verbs and helping verbs

5.D.9- Form and use simple past, present, and future tense

5.E.1- Identify adjectives

5.E.3- Identify adverbs

5.LL.1 - Homophones with pictures

5.LL.2 - Use the correct homophone

5.NN.1 - Choose the synonym

5.NN.2 - Find synonyms in context

5.OO.1 - Choose the antonym

5.OO.2 - Find antonyms in context

5.QQ.1 - Order items from most general to most specific

5.QQ.2 - Select the members of a group

5.QQ.3 - Select the words that don't belong

5.RR.1- Analogies

Please use the following LINK to access the Freckle sign in page. Math and Language Arts activities have been linked to your account to practice at home.