

Battle Creek Science Kits/Journals

Mr. Greenlee & Mrs. Martin

This year students will be exploring four realms of science in depth. We will begin the year by investigating the overarching concepts of force and motion. Students will become familiar with gravity, Newton’s Laws of Motion, velocity, contact/ non-contact force, and balanced/unbalanced forces along with many other concepts closely related to the study of Physical Science. We will also observe the various structures of matter, identify elements based on their properties, and study the conservation of mass.

Midwinter we will turn our focus to the function and interrelationship of systems in the human body. Students will take a close look at the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal/muscular, and nervous systems. They will develop a stronger appreciation of how hard each system works and how much they rely on each other.

Our final unit of study, which will begin in the spring, turns our attention to the motion of objects in space. This is not a study of the planets. More so, it is a look at how the motion and position of different celestial objects creates seasons, years, days, moon phases, eclipses, tides, etc.

An overarching theme for the year will be “Scientific Inquiry.” Students will be hands-on with science concepts fairly often, and they must learn to solve problems like scientists. That means: Asking questions, Forming a hypothesis, Conducting experiments, Collecting data, Analyzing information and Forming conclusions.