Bringing research to policy

Bringing research to policy was introduced by Niamh Ní Brohin, followed by a panel discussion.

Niam Ní Brohin presented evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice arising from the ySKILLS project.

"We must establish a robust and enduring pan-European policy framework that acknowledges and confronts the factors capable of impacting and fostering vulnerabilities in children and young people. These factors encompass low socioeconomic status, poor or fair self-reported health, diminished academic achievement, perceived discrimination, reduced self-confidence, limited family and peer support, and restrictive  parental mediation, exemplified by the extent to which parents limit their children's internet usage."


The panel, moderated by Lenn d'Haenens, featured the participation of Elisabeth Staksrud, Eva Lievens, Niamh Ní Bhroin and Sonia Livingstone. The panel discussion delved into the importance of research recommendations to EU and national policymakers actions. 

"It is evident that we cannot conduct research on youth without involving parents. In this context, the movements by parents in various countries to ban mobile phones from the lives of young people until they reach the age of 18 are concerning. In a world that is inherently digital, our goal is not to isolate children from mobile phones, but rather to empower them with essential literacy skills to navigate this digital landscape with intelligence and responsibility. Let us primarily advocate for evidence-based policies and reject policies that lack a foundation in research."