NAVIGATING & SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION allows participants to carry out search tasks and analyse information online.

This activity is included in the EXECUTE module, along with CONTENT CREATION and COMMUNICATION & INTERACTION

Please browse below for more information (objectives, time, materials, briefing, and step-by-step).



45 minutes


Navigation & searching for information.pdf

Navigation & searching for information

(please select in the image to download pdf)


Step by step

Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, is the inspiration for searching for information on the internet. This activity helps participants to see how they can improve their online searching. Participants are also challenged for evaluating which information is more objective and reliable.

For searching information on the internet, each group follows the pdf instructions. 

After this task, each group presents their answers and how these were achieved.

Identify and reflect on the characteristics of highly objective and reliable content.

Image copyrights: cover image by Obi-@pixel7propix from Unsplash; screen photo by Lucia Macedo from Unsplash.