FEATURES & IMPACTS OF THE INTERNET allows participants to reflect on the impacts of their own activities on the internet and how the internet's characteristics influence their online navigation. 

This activity is included in the EVALUATE module, along with DIGITAL MAP and DIGITAL SKILLS UNDER SPOTLIGHT.

Please browse below for more information (objectives, time, materials, briefing, step-by-step, and tips).



30 minute


Features and impacts of the internet.pdf

Features & impacts of the internet

(please select in the image to download the pdf)

Adolescents answers Features and impacts of the internet.pdf

European adolescents' answers

(please select in the image to download the pdf)


- Display the pdf sheets + paper for answers.

- Digital app on participants' mobile phones.  For this option, please choose an app that allows to include a quizz and introduce the statments and answers in advance.

Step by step

Each participant evaluates if each statement is true or false and explain why.

Reflect on the answers.

The presentation shows the percentage of adolescents who correctly selected whether the statement was true or false in the ySKILLS survey (2023).

Reflect on the results.

Example of questions:

What surprised you the most?


After the activity, participants can design a poster or make a short video about one or more results.

Image copyrights: cover photo by Domingo Alvarez E from Unsplash; mobile phone photo from Swello from Unsplash; tips image vectorjuice from Freepik.