DIGITAL MAP allows participants to think about digital uses and practices. It also allows a reflection of each person's needs and responsibilities in the digital world. 

This activity is included in the EVALUATE module, along with DIGITAL SKILLS UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT and FEATURES & IMPACTS OF THE INTERNET.

Please browse below for more information (objectives, time, materials, briefing, step-by-step, and tips).



45 minutes


Digital map.pdf

Digital map

(please select the image to download pdf)



(please select the image to download pdf)


Step by step


Examples of questions:

What are the digital technologies (resources, tools) that help you?

What are the opportunities that digital resources offer you?

What kind of obstacles and risks do digital resources present?

What responsibilities do you acquire when using digital technologies?

Having digital skills means to be able to use technology in a way that achieves good results for yourself and others, and to be able to reduce the dangers of the digital world.

Examples of question:

What digital skills have you acquired when you use digital technologies in each area?

Examples of questions:

Have you identified new risks or obstacles? 

Have you acquired new skills or responsibilities?

What would your ‘ideal’ digital technology do for you? 


For facilitating the dialogue with participants, please point out that all opinions and ideas are important. 

Image copyrights: photo by Rita Baptista; digital map from Giles Lane, Proboscis, with LSE to ySKILLS projecttips image by vectorjuice from Freepik.