COMMUNICATION & INTERACTION allows participants to identify good conduct, both in digital communication and when sharing content on social networks. They may also reflect on how the receivers influence their communication styles. 

This activity is included in the EXECUTE module, along with NAVIGATION & SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION and CONTENT CREATION

Please browse below for more information (objectives, time, materials, briefing, and step-by-step).



45 minutes


Communication & interaction.pdf

Communication & interaction

(please select in the image to download pdf)


Step by step

Through Instagram posts, Whatsapp messages and a video conference environment, participants are challenged to ask questions about online conduct. 

They are also challenged to choose the best digital communication tool depending on who they want to contact (a friend, a teacher or an expert). 

Participants identify problematic messages in three Whatsapp dialogues between peers. 

Participants reflect on what to share in social media and how to react to other people's comments. 

Participants reflect on digital tools and conduct depending on the contexts and whom they want to contact. 

Image copyrights: cover image by kuu akura from Unsplash; mobile phone photo by Adem AY from Unsplash.