CONTENT CREATION allows participants to evaluate which information is most reliable. They also have the opportunity to create a digital presentation and reflect on how to publicize it. 

This activity is included in the EXECUTE module, together with the NAVIGATION & SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION and COMMUNICATION & INTERACTION

Please browse below for more information (objectives, time, materials, briefing, and step-by-step).



45 minutes


Content creation.pdf

Content creation

(please select in the image to download pdf)


Step by step

Climate change is the topic for building a presentation. To do this, participants are challenged to: search and analyze digital content; think about how to improve the visibility of their presentation on social media.

Participants recognize characteristics of the website with more objective and reliable information. 

Participants classify Instagram posts as advertisements, fake news, identity theft, news articles, opinion pieces, phishing scams and spam. 

Participants create a slide with an inserted video and a copyright-free photography, and change its color using a filter

Participants identify how to promote the produced presentation on social media. 

Image copyrights: cover image by Nubelson Fernandes from Unsplash; mobile phone photo by Ed Hardie from Unsplash.