Peer and Community Engagement Experience (PACEE)  

(Formlery SSL)

 This course is an opportunity for students interested in volunteering with a community nonprofit agency, private school, or with an FCPS teacher/classroomprogram.   During the course students will have the opportunity to investigate ways in which they might help others by using the basic components of service learning; Preparation, Action, and Reflection. Serving others offers students the chance to use existing strengths and develop new skills in an independent

setting with support.   

Students will be assigned a specific placement with teacher/course/program or a community agency.  Placements are not only in the High School, but also the feeder schools - Middletown Primary, Middletown Elementary, Wolfsville Elementary, Myersville Elementary and Middletown Middle Schools. Students placed outside their home school must provide transportation.  Students commit to the placement for a semester and will complete assignments related to their experiences at their placement site.  Additionally, students will complete an individual service project for the semester. Students are cooperatively supervised by a placement supervisor and their school’s Peer and Community Engagement Experience Teacher.  

Students must have taken the class that they are placed in.   

There are three main components of this course

Students must complete the following documents to enroll in PACEE

Students will complete the following assignments throughout the semester:

Mentors/Teachers will complete an evaluation each Term.  This will account for approximately 40 % of the students grade. Click here to see a sample evaluation form.

Please check Schoology daily for assignments, announcement, and reminders