Dalton Stambaugh

Original Photo Products

The Caring Custodian

This photo is of one of the many custodians that we have a Bryan Station High School in the cafeteria after all of the lunches and he is cleaning to make sure that everything is in pristine condition. The reason that he is the subject of this image is because the task was to shoot an environmental picture. That is where you have someone interacting with the environment. The way I was able to pull off this picture is by using an ISO of 400, a F-stop of f/8, white balance was fluorescent, and a shutter speed of 1/60. The main concepts I wanted to capture in the image is symmetry and I was able to do this by making sure that he was in the middle of an aisle, there was also leading lines incorporated into this by the chair and table leading back behind him, the last thing I incorporated was a triangle to make the image more appealing to look at.