Digital Art Product

Carmen Coleman


I worked with the theme, "Heroes Around Me" for this piece. I decided to draw my sister. She's always been an inspiration to me. Without her and my father I would never be so driven to draw everyday and work on improving my art. My sister is one of the many heroes I look up to.

To create this image I:

  • Hand drew the initial image (concepts, ideas)
  • Took picture of sketch and uploaded it into Firealpaca
  • Made new layer in Firealpaca and outlined the sketch with the pen tool
  • Made second layer set it to a mode of multiply and placed the base colors
  • On the same layer I added shading and highlights with the watercolor brush and pen tool
  • On a new layer I set it to a mode of overlay and added details to the hair and glasses with the watercolor brush and airbrush tools
  • For the background images I copied and pasted my sisters artwork, with her permission, and placed it on a layer under the drawing of her
  • On a new multiply layer I used the polka dot tool and lowered the opacity to make the image look similar to a comic book

--Carmen Coleman