Taylor Cleveland

Manipulated Image Product

God of Beauty

Photoshop steps:

For the actual picture I drew plastic surgery markings on the right side of the subjects face and took the picture in monochrome. When I started to photoshop the picture I unlocked the first layer which was just the picture and I changed the name to “face”. Then I made a copy of the layer just incase if I needed it later. To cut out the curved shape of her face, I clicked on the pencil tool and chose the path option, and used that to cut out the shape. Then I pressed “Make Selection” and made the curved shape a selection. Then I cut that shape out and made it its own layer. While on that layer I moved the shape over so that there was a gap in the middle of her face where the flowers would go. Then I went back on the original selection and inverted it so that i could put color in the gap on her face.

Then I made a another layer on top of the “face” copy and I used that to fill the gap with a black color and made the fill 0%. That layer is going to be used to make the edges of the cut on her face. Then I went to adjustments and clicked on Solid color and I chose a grey color that was a little bit darker than the subjects face. Then I went back to the layer I made for the edges and I added a drop shadow to make it look a little more realistic. After I finished her face I found some photos of flowers and leaves that I really liked and opened them on Photoshop. First I darkened the color of the purple flowers and the leaves because they were a little too bright for my liking. Then I used the quick select tool to cut the flowers and leaves from the white backgrounds. Then I dragged the flowers/leaves onto the face picture. I put the flowers and leaves under the layer of the curved shape so that they could be under that part of the face. Then I arranged the flowers and the leaves until I was satisfied with what it look liked.

Original Images

**Non-original Images were purchased for use through Shutterstock.com