
Chemistry is taught within the integrated science course. There is considerable time spent on practical work to introduce the pupils to good laboratory practice and develop their investigative skills. The sharing of ideas and participation in group work is encouraged within lessons, and for each chemistry topic, homework tasks often include simple practical activities to raise awareness of the scientific basis of everyday reactions in the home. The online textbook is clear and detailed, with a summary page and list of the key words at the end of each topic, and excellent images included to illustrate the concepts covered.

Course materials 

The course is taught using the broad structure of Activate Chemistry, utilising the textbook, practical worksheets and assessment materials. It is supplemented by unique card-sort activities, electronic media and interactive resources developed by the science teachers at Farlington. 

Working Scientifically

Particles & Their Behaviour

Separation Techniques

Acids and Bases

How will I be assessed?

You will have a Science assessment after each topic, which will be 30 marks and will usually include a practical aspect as well.

There will be a Chemistry paper in the End of Year Examinations, which will contain questions on all of the topics you have covered up to that point.

If you have any queries about this curriculum, please contact: Mr Neil Forrest, Head of Chemistry, on