What can you do for ELs in your classroom right now?

10 things mainstream teachers can do today to help ELLs succeed

From Colorin Colorado, sometimes a slight change in teaching style or classroom organization can make a big difference for an ELL student. And of course, what's good for ELLs is often good for all students! This list provides ten tips that teachers can implement in the classroom to help reach all learners.

Classroom accommodations for EL students

Suggested classroom accommodations should be provided on the student's EL plan. Visit the SIOP toolbox for more detailed classroom accommodations.

Teachers may use a wide variety of accommodations in day-to-day instruction to scaffold learning. Review the Classroom Accommodations for ELs document for examples. This list is not all-inclusive but it is a great place to start!

It is important to note that not all available accommodations are appropriate for all EL students. Decisions regarding accommodations should always be decided on an individual basis, focusing on factors such as their literacy development in English and native language, grade, age, affective needs, and education background. 

Classroom Accommodations

ELL Strategy Library - Colorin Colorado

You can search the Colorin Colorado database by keyword, academic language feature, language domain, language development level, or tags for strategies. They also have them grouped by type. Each strategy gives an overview, instructions on how to use it, and examples.


Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) in the Classroom

This article provides several highly effective accommodations, include free resources, for EL students.