English Language Proficiency Standards

Ohio English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards

Taken from the Ohio Department of Education's website: https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/English-Learners/Teaching-English-Learners/Ohio-English-Language-Proficiency-ELP-Standards

Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards and the Ohio Learning Standards-Extended for English Language Proficiency describe expectations for the effective instruction of all students who are English learners, including those with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards apply to all English learners attending Ohio’s public and nonpublic schools in grades K-12. The Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards are the basis for integrated English language instruction as measured by the current Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener and Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment.

Ohio Learning Standards-Extended for English Language Proficiency address the language development of all English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities. These new standards correspond to the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards described above. Similarly, they are the basis for the Alternate Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment that will be operational in the 2023- 2024 school year. Educators are encouraged to use the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards and Ohio Learning Standards-Extended for English Language Proficiency for the continuum of students who are English learners, including those with significant cognitive disabilities, in English language arts, math, science and social studies. The documents are invaluable, shared points of reference by which to better understand and improve instruction for students for whom English is a new or additional language.

The Ohio K-12 ELP Standards were formally adopted with the July 29, 2021 Superintendent's Memo to Ohio Educational Agencies about EL Standards.

Ohio's Learning Standards-Extended for ELP 2021 

All ELP Standards 2015 

Kindergarten ELP Standards 2015 

Grade 1 Standards 2015 

Grades 2-3 Standards 2015 

Grades 4-5 Standards 2015 

Grades 6-8 Standards 2015 

Grades 9-12 Standards 2015 

Instructional Guidelines and Resources for English Language Learners 2015 The purpose of the Instructional Guide and Resources for English Learners is to serve as a resource to school district personnel in the use of the new ELP Standards to inform instruction and support ELLs in their development of English language communication skills needed for success in school.

ELP Standards, Assessments, and Score Reports by ELPA21 Ohio is part of the ELPA21 Consortium. This resource is available to provide professional development surrounding the ELP standards as part of the ELPA21 Consortium.

ELPA21 Achievement Level Descriptors 

Organization of the ELP Standards

Taken from the Ohio English Language Proficiency Standards, 2015.

Organization Model 1

The ELP Standards are organized according to a schema that represents each standard's importance to English language learners' participation in the practices called for by college- and career-ready language art and literacy, mathematics, and science standards (G. Bunch, personal communication, August 15, 2013; Bunch, Kimbler, & Pimentel, 2013).

Standards 1 through 7 involve the language necessary for English language learners to engage in the central content-specific practices associated with English language arts and literacy, mathematics, and science. They begin with a focus on extraction of meaning and then progress to engagement in these practices.

Standards 8 through 10 hone in on some of the more micro-level linguistic features that are undoubtedly important to focus on, but only in the services of the other seven standards.

Organization Model 2

The ELP Standards might also be framed in relation to narrower domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and also in relation to broader receptive, productive, and interactive modalities. The interactive modalities category allows for emphasis on the need for English langauge learners to meaningfully engage with their peers during content area instruction. Standards 9 and 10 address the linguistic structures of English and are framed in relation to Ohio's standards for the English language arts Language domain.

Receptive Modalities - Listening & Reading Domains - Standards 1 and 8

This mode refers to the learner as a reader or listener/viewer working with 'text' whose author or deliverer is not present or accessible. It presumes that the interaction is with authentic written or oral documents where language input is meaningful and content laden. The learner brings background knowledge, experience, and appropriate interpretive strategies to the task to promote understanding of language in content in order to develop a personal reaction.

Productive Modalities - Speaking & Writing Domains - Standards 3, 4, and 7

The mode places the learner as speaker and writer for a 'distant' audience, on with whom interaction is not possible or limited. The communication is set for a specified audeince, has purpose, and generally abides by rules fo genre or style. It is a planned or formalized speech act or written document, and the learner has an opportunity to draft, get feedback, and revise, before publication or broadcast.

Interactive Modalities - Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing Domains - Standards 2, 5, and 6

Collaborative use of receptive and productive modalities. This mode refers to the learner as a speaker/listener [and] reader/writer. It requires two-way communication where negotiation of meaning may be observed. The exchange will provide evidence of awareness of the socio-cultural aspects of communication as language proficiency develops.

ELP standards vs. ELA standards

Ohio's English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards are linked to Ohio's English Language Arts (ELA). However, the two sets of standards are not the same. The ELA standards describe what all students, including EL students, should know and be able to do in a specific academic content area. They focus on reading, writing, and oral communication for different purposes. On the other hand, the ELP standards have been specifically developed for EL students and define progressive levels of competence in the acquisition of English. As such, Ohio's ELP standards have been designed to assist teachers in moving EL students toward proficiency in both the English language and in Ohio's academic content standards. The goal of Ohio's ELP standards is to help EL students build a foundation in English that will enable them to succeed in all of their academic subjects, including ELA, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Technology.

The ELP and ELA standards can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website: www.education.ohio.gov