Alternative Grading Scale

Considerations for grading EL students, K-12

English Learner students may be graded in three possible ways:

Fairfield City School District encourages all students to be graded using the traditional grading scale. However, the district understands that in some cases, a student's English language proficiency may impact assessing his/her comprehension of the grade level state standards/skills. Most EL students should be graded using the traditional grading scale or traditional grading scale with accommodations. It is important to note that a student may qualify for the alternative grading scale but it is not required that it be used. If a student qualifies for the alternative grading scale, it will be written in their EL plan but the decision to use it should be a team decision.

EL students should not fail a course or grade due to a lack of English acquisition.

The district has created the following guidelines for grading EL students:

Alternative grading scale for EL students, K-12

If students qualify for the alternative grading scale, the rubric below must be utilized. This rubric is to be used at the earliest grading period as a holistic picture of student performance and is not to be used for individual assignments. Use of the alternative grading scale must be discussed with the student and his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) before the next grading period.

Grades for EL students should be consistent with the accommodations provided on a regular basis in the classroom, the student's English language proficiency level, and the number of years he/she has been in U.S. schools.

The English documents are available below. You can find translations in Spanish, French, and Nepali in the Alternative Grading Rubric folder.

Guidelines for using the alternative grading scale

AGS decision tool.pdf
Grade Scale Report Card Insert ENGLISH
Grading Scale Parent Letter ENGLISH

Classroom accommodations for EL students

Suggested classroom accommodations should be provided on the student's EL plan. Visit the SIOP toolbox for more detailed classroom accommodations.

Teachers may use a wide variety of accommodations in day-to-day instruction to scaffold learning. Review the Classroom Accommodations for ELs document for examples. This list is not all-inclusive but it is a great place to start!

It is important to note that not all available accommodations are appropriate for all EL students. Decisions regarding accommodations should always be decided on an individual basis, focusing on factors such as their literacy development in English and native language, grade, age, affective needs, and education background. 

Classroom Accommodations