In Action         View current LCAP 

Goal 1: Conditions of learning

The Fairfax School District is committed to enhancing the overall conditions of learning through strategic investments in facilities, technology, and instructional resources. We are committed to ensuring that all students have access to equitable conditions of learning by providing and investing in highly qualified staff, well-maintained facilities, and up-to-date equipment. Our focus includes maintaining an inventory of standards-aligned instructional materials and resources. This comprehensive approach aims to create an inclusive, supportive, and academically enriching environment for every student, promoting equitable opportunities for success. 

Goal 2: Student outcomes

Our objective for student outcomes is to ensure that all students progress significantly toward grade-level mastery. This will be achieved by implementing evidence-based instructional strategies, targeted interventions, and focusing on individualized learning plans. Our goal is to narrow achievement gaps among student subgroups, specifically emphasizing the academic growth of English Language Learners. We will track and analyze data regularly to measure student achievement, adjusting our strategies to support continuous improvement and ensure all students reach their full academic potential.

Goal 3: Engagement

To foster a culture of engagement and inclusivity, we aim to increase family and community engagement, reduce chronic absenteeism, and enhance overall school connectedness. We will achieve this by strengthening partnerships with students, parents, families, and the community through various initiatives, including parent education programs, communication tools, and cultural events. Implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) will contribute to a positive and safe school environment, positively impacting attendance and student engagement.