Appropriate Snack/Treat List

Copy of EVW Snack List.pdf

Welcome to EV-W’s Food Allergy Management Program!

We have several students with food allergies in our district. We need your support in keeping the food-allergic children safe from having a life threatening allergic reaction here at school. Below are appropriate treats to send into school.

What NOT to send: treats for sharing that contain peanuts, peanut flour, peanut oil, or peanut butter or other nuts. This includes snacks with almonds, coconuts, filberts, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nut, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts. This also includes labels that read, “May contain traces of peanuts / tree nuts or manufactured where nuts are.”

Please note: Food labels/ingredients may change over time, so it is always recommended that you read the label before purchasing snacks. Please read labels carefully to make sure the products are nut free.

Thank you for your consideration and support in keeping the food-allergic children safe from having a life threatening allergic reaction at school.

*Non food item/s – Pencils, erasers, stickers, small toys, note pads etc. are usually the safest.

*Cupcakes or cake can be ordered from the school dietary department. Call Jessica Heying at 453-2900 ext 1106 or email: