HEART Program Logo


HEART Program

Changes to Your Housing?  

Important information about student rights and available services during times of housing instability or disruption available in this five minute Housing Update video.

HEART (Hope, Equity, Access, Resilience, Thrive)

Under the guidance of the Mckinney-Vento Act, Evergreen Public Schools supports students who find themselves in housing situations that are temporary or transitional and have become homeless.

Eligibility for the Program

Any child or youth, including unaccompanied youth, who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence is considered homeless and is eligible for assistance and services through the Mckinney-Vento program. This includes children and youth who are temporarily doubled up or couch surfing with others due to economic hardship, those who are living temporarily in motels, campgrounds, emergency shelters, cars, or other similar settings, and those in transitional housing programs. This also includes youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian who are living in one of the situations listed above.

Educational Rights of Children and Youth in Transition

To remove barriers to education and to provide educational stability and support, students in the program are entitled to:

Services for McKinney-Vento Students:

If you are in an unstable housing situation, please contact your school counselor or FCRC.  You can find a list of all schools with a Family and Community Resource Coordinator here. 

Please also contact the district liaison or clerk using our contact information below:

McKinney-Vento Liaison

McKenzie English

(360) 604-4174

McKinney-Vento Clerk

Katie Greer

(360) 604-4173


Unaccompanied Youth Advocate Middle Schools 

Nathan Schubert 

(360) 604-1001 ext. 9711 

Unaccompanied Youth Advocate Heritage High School 

Matthew Young 

(360) 604-1001 ext. 7824 

Community Resources

Council for the Homeless logo

Housing and Shelter resources

Clark County Volunteer Lawyers logo

Free legal assistance

Fresh Food Pantries logo

Free fresh food at school sites

Additional Information

Additional Information on the Mckinney-Vento Act from OSPI here.

Dispute Resolution Policy: Should there be a disagreement between the district and parent or unaccompanied youth in response to Mckinney-Vento eligibility or school selection, the parent or youth has the right to dispute the district's decisions or recommendations on eligibility or school selection. This process can be found here.