September Chapel

TEACHING and Talking Points

ECS September Complete 9-19-20.mp4

September Chapel TEACHING:


Chapel #2 - Gracious Speech - Colossians 4_6.pdf

SIDY #2: GRACIOUS SPEECH Colossians 4:6

Bible Class Discussion Questions

WORSHIP MUSIC - Stories behind the Songs

Speak Life - Lyric Video


Song Story ... Speak Life


The Greatest Artist Of All Time

Spoken Word|Jefferson Bethke

Song Story... Amazing Grace

storyteller/singer Wintley Phipps

After you have watched the videos above, please consider these QUESTIONS for PERSONAL REFLECTION: Students are encouraged to journal their response.

Who has God used to SPEAK LIFE and HIS TRUTH into you?

How has God used you to SPEAK LIFE and HIS TRUTH into others?

Every day, we have an opportunity to worship God by pointing others to him. No matter our prior mistakes, God can use us to SPEAK LIFE into others. We know that in the New Testament, Paul's name changed to Saul after his conversion to a life committed to Christ. He went from persecuting Christians as Saul to promoting the power of Jesus Christ as Paul. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they didn't grumble but rather worshipped in song. God brought an earthquake that could have been seen as just a moment of deliverance for Paul and Silas. Instead, it was a moment that led to a life renewed for the jailor and his family. In the story behind the song "Amazing Grace," John Newton lived a life careless of words and actions much like the saying, "he talks like a sailor." His words also led him to working on slave ships during the time of the African Slave Trades. While in the midst of this dark time in his life out at sea, God sent a horrible storm that caught his attention. Through that life-threatening moment, he began a conversation with God that led to his repentance and conversion to Christ. Just like Paul, he came to recognize how he was "once blind/lost" to his behavior toward God and hurting those He created, "but now could see" the error of his ways. Following this conversion, John Newton not only committed his life to Christ, but chose to SPEAK LIFE into others. One of those people was a man named William Wilberforce - a man who would then speak up in Parliament to end the slave trades.

We never know when God will use us to SPEAK LIFE into others which in turn will SPEAK LIFE and GOD's TRUTH into generations that follow.