August Chapel

TEACHING and Talking Points

ECS Ermil Chapel August - Edited version (1).mp4

August Chapel TEACHING:


SIDY #1 Discussion Questions_Worksheet.pdf


Bible Class Discussion Questions

WORSHIP MUSIC - Stories behind the Songs

Song Story - My Jesus I Love

Song Story...

My Jesus I Love Thee

Mrs. Elly Moore

My Jesus I Love Thee

(With Every Breath)

Meredith Andrews Sooter | Worship Circle Hymns

Song Story...

How He Loves

By John Mark McMillan

After you have watched the videos above, please consider these QUESTIONS for PERSONAL REFLECTION: Students are encouraged to journal their response.

How does God use song-writing in people’s lives?

How can we love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength in the midst of challenges? (Matthew 22:37)

So often, we wait until we are older or feel ready to tell others of the love of Jesus, when simple honest words about our own love and commitment to Christ will do. Just like the teenager many years ago who was compelled to write a poem about his acceptance and love for Jesus that unexpectedly became a hymn still sung today and the words of a familiar contemporary song writer that just put words on paper in a heart cry conversation to God reminding him how God loves him... What words could you put to paper TODAY as part of your communication and worship to God?