There may be times you find yourself encountering situations where a full referral for consultation support may not be necessary, just yet, but additional support and/or dialogue around questions you may have, interventions, support strategies, resources, etc. would be helpful in best supporting your student(s)/child. 

Below you will find some common questions asked and links to additional sources of information. If you don't find what you were looking for below or have questions not covered below, please reach out to Teri McGill at for additional support. 

What is the goal of the ASD Network?

The NE ASD Network goal is to build district level capacity in working with children with autism. The ASD Coordinators do not provide direct services, but support and train school teams and families in working with children with ASD.

What services does the NE ASD Network provide?

The ASD Network Coordinator provides training, consultation and resources to school districts, families and community agencies working with children with autism. The ASD Coordinator provides support to school district teams with evaluation and assessment, program planning, IEP/IFSP development, training and implementation of evidence based practices. Check out our ASD Network Supports and Services page for more detailed information. 

How does a district make a referral to the Network?

If a district is interested in receiving assistance with a child with ASD, the Request for Consultation form can be completed by the school team, submitted to Teri McGill via email at or fax at (402) 597-4811, and the process will begin. 

Check out our Request for Consultation page for additional information on the process. 

How much does it cost to make a referral and have the ASD Coordinator come out?

The NE ASD Network is funded through a grant from the NE Department of Education and there is NO cost to districts or families for their services.

What if the school district is interested in training for a grade level, entire building, or a small team?

Training for a small team of teachers, an entire building, or district can be requested. Contact Teri McGill at for more information. 

Is there a limit to the amount of hours/time the ASD Coordinator can be scheduled in a school district with no charge?

No, there is not a limit or charge for services from the ASD Coordinator. Remember, the goal of the NE ASD Network is to develop district level capacity, so if a district is not moving forward with independence in working with students with ASD, the coordinator may begin working with administrators to make a plan for their school and/or district.

What school districts are in the Metro Region?

School districts in Educational Service Unit #2, Educational Service Unit #3 and Omaha Public Schools are all in the Metro Region.

How can I get resources on Evidence Based Practices and other materials and information on ASD?

The Metro Region has an extensive ASD Library full of resource materials on ASD and related disorders. The library contains books, manuals, videos, DVD’s, assessments and assessment kits and much more! These resources are free for anyone to check-out and can be accessed at ESU #3 (6949 S. 110th St. La Vista, NE). All materials can be checked out for one month at a time. Check out our Resource Library page for more information on accessing resources.