Click on the title of the resource to access their websites, for more information.

Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP): (click on the link for more information)

The Assistive Technology Partnership (ATP), through collaboration, provides all Nebraskans access and opportunities to better live, learn, and work. Creating a partnership with agencies resulted in a unique collaboration. Their seamless service across program lines makes it possible for individuals of all ages and disabilities to access success through a single point of entry. ATP provides services to explore potential funding sources, try equipment before buying, and have an assessment/consultation done by a qualified technology specialist at home, school, and work. 

ATP's newsletter provides the latest information on Professional Development, upcoming trainings, and the latest devices.                              ATP Education Newsletter Sign Up

Archived Bookshare Webinars:

Fall 2019   Bookshare Busts through Reading Barriers 

Fall 2020   Bookshare 101: How to Get Started with Bookshare Webinar 

Autism Resources for Families: (click on the link for more information)

Being armed with information about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) helps families feel more comfortable as they face new challenges. Some families need to know where to start when one member of the family has been recently diagnosed. Other families face unexpected difficulties as their loved ones with ASD learn to live effectively in home, school, or community settings. We are dedicated to supporting families by making information and resources more readily available. 

Autism Screening and Referral:  Why Early Identification is Key  (click on the link for more information)

The Clarke Community Initiative, located within the Millard Public Schools, received a grant from the Weitz Family Foundation to permit facilitation and development of a standardized protocol to assure that children are consistently screened for autism.   

Autism Speaks 100 Days Kit for Families: (click on the link for more information)

The Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit and the Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Kit were created for families new to a diagnosis of autism. The kit is designed to help families survive and navigate the first 100 days following their child's educational verification or medical diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder.

Check out Autism Speaks Resource Guides, too!

Big Red Safety Box : (click on the link for more information)

The Big Red Safety Box is a free-of-charge toolkit given to autism families in need as a means to educate, raise awareness and provide simple tools that may assist them in preventing, and responding to, wandering-related emergencies. 

Apply now to get your Big Red Safety Box Family Toolkit!                                                   

Visit the Autism Action Partnership's website and the

National Autism Association for more information about the Big Red Safety Box. 

CDC Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources: (click on the link for more information)

Wide range of ASD resources and links, covering everything from Financial Resources to Disaster Planning and Assistive Technology and more. 

Milo's Connection: (click on the link for more information)

Milo’s Connection was founded by Sarah & Stacy McCoy. Their son Milo, was diagnosed at the age of two, severely Autistic. Quickly they discovered that there were many resources and information, but not in one location.  This became overwhelming for them.

This website was created to be an unbiased information avenue to connect with resources, event, community and information. They have made connections and gathered input from doctors, lawyers’ schools, social workers and families.

Ohio Parent's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders: (click on the link for more information)

This Ohio Parent's Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders manual provides an overview of the world of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It was developed by Ohio parents of individuals with ASD who have a broad range of experience with interventions, resources, and services.

Operation Autism for Military Families: (click on the link for more information)

Operation Autism directly supports U.S. military families touched by autism and autism spectrum disorders. It serves as an introduction to autism, a guide for the life journey with autism, and a ready reference for available resources, services, and support.

OASIS and MAAP Website: (click on the link for more information)

The Online Asperger Syndrome Information and Support (OASIS) center has joined with MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Syndrome to create a single resource for families, individuals, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder / Not Otherwise Specified (PDD/NOS).

Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents: (click on the link for more information)

Sesame Workshop created Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children, a nationwide initiative aimed at communities with children ages 2 to 5. Developed with input from parents, people who serve the autism community, and people with autism, See Amazing in All Children offers families ways to overcome common challenges and simplify everyday activities.