
2017-2018 Calendar

The 2017 - 2018 ESSEC IMEO and ESSEC Change Chairs program focuses on the exchange between partners in a logic of co-construction with input from different experts. In addition to these events, there are the various research projects carried out with the various partners.

Benchmark Workshop (Reserved Chairs Member)

Hosted by Jean-Pierre Le Cam at Société Générale on October 23, 2017 from 8:30 am to 10:00 am at the ESSEC La Défense CNIT from 8:30 am to 10:30 am

Hosted by Jean-Pierre Le Cam at Société Générale on March 9, 2018 from 8:30 am to 10:00 am at the ESSEC La Défense CNIT from 8:30 am to 10:30 am

Safari Change (Reserved Chairs Member)

November 20, 2017 from 14h to 17h at Covéa (88 rue Saint Lazare 75009) on the theme of the use of neuroscience for e-commerce sites.

February 8, 2018 at ESSEC Cergy from 2pm to 5pm (Date to be confirmed) Presentation of ESSEC Cergy K-Lab and Management Game 360

in April 2018 at Orangina Schweppes Headquarters in Neuilly 92 (Date to be fixed)

Managerial Innovation Campus at ESSEC Cergy (open to all on direct registration on the link)

November 25, 2017 -

Observatory of Operational Excellence in Paris (open to all on direct registration on the link) on December 8, 2017 in Paris from 9am to 5pm

Conference (Open to all)

Defense on January 17, 2018 at 18h at ESSEC CNIT LA DEFENSE for the presentation of Goupama's book on managerial innovation

Defense on 12 February 2018 at 18h at ESSEC Executive at CNIT La Défense - Conference by Frédéric Rousseau VINCI Major Projects Manager on the theme "Federate the actors of a project through the use of objects in 3D printing and the method weaving urban breaks »

Defense in May 2018 (Date to be fixed) 2018 at 18h at ESSEC Executive at CNIT La Défense

Learning Expedition

June 4 to 8, 2018 Destination to be defined

International Meeting of Transformation 2018

On the theme "Strategy and Management of Transformation" on 19 September 2018 (at ESSEC in Cergy) for the academic day and 20 September 2018 (at Caisse des Dépôts at 15 Quai Anatole France 75007 Paris) for the corporate day with the presentation of the ESSEC trophies for the transformation.

Events of the Edgard Morin Chair in Complexity

As part of a partnership with the Edgard Morin Chair of Complexity, you have access to all the events organized by this Chair whose schedule is accessible on their website: http: //


  • Management Game 360 - December 2017

  • MOOC Managerial Innovation in December 2017

  • MOOC Operational Excellence in Practice in January 2018

  • MOOC Manager a collaborative session in March 2018

  • Managerial Innovation, 10 case studies - Eyrolles, October 2017

  • Thinking Digital, the project AG2RLAMONDIALE - Eyrolles- September 2017

  • Act in agile Workshop mode - Pearson - November 2017

  • Managerial innovation as a lever for change at Groupama - Eyrolles - November 2017

  • The Chief Digital Officer's toolbox, Dunod - December 2017

  • The great authors in change management 3 rd edition- Dunod March 2018