
The ESSEC Circle of Change Mangement

As part of the HR Club activities, the ESSEC Circle of Change Management organizes two conferences a year, and an event in relation with AFOPE on the subject of change management. Those actions are open to the public, unlike the events of the Chair that are dedicated to partner companies only.

The Centre d'Etudes en Transformation des Organisations

Our partner HEC Montréal hosts the Organisations Transformation Studies Center which organizes conferences and produces research on the subject of change.

The International Academy of Interdisciplinary Research Centres (AICRI)

That emerges from political, religious, tribal or union. Its purpose is the emulsion of research collaborations between researchers from different countries, with different sensitivities and different cultural baggage, social, and scientific to produce interdisciplinary and comparative knowledge.

The International Institute of Social Audit (IAS)

The IAS is a key player in the use of methods of audit in the field of human Resources Management management and more recently, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). The Social Audit is a particular field of application of audit methods that are widely widely used in finance, organizational, quality, etc .. It is practiced by specialized external auditors or internal auditors, sometimes cooperation between. International Institute of Social Audit.