Innovation & Health Hackathon

A two days competition based on real innovation cases proposed by Partners involved in the Health sector

2024 - Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of  the Innovation & Health Hackathon took place on the 14th and 15th March.

75 ESSEC, students from the Innovation & Health Chair and participants from the MS SMIS (Strategy and Management of Healthcare Industries) took part in this Hackathon. It was a two-day competition during which 21 teams worked on issues encountered by our 7 partners.

2023 - Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of  the Innovation & Health Hackathon took place on the 16th and 17th March.

More than 80 ESSEC, students from the Innovation & Health Chair and participants from the MS SMIS (Strategy and Management of Healthcare Industries) took part in this Hackathon. It was a two-day competition during which 18 teams worked on issues encountered by our 6 partners.

2022 - Third Edition

For its third edition, the Innovation & Health Hackathon took place for the first time in person at ESSEC Business School on the Cergy campus. 

75 students from the Innovation & Health Chair and the MS SMIS (Strategy and Management of Health Industries) met with 40 employees and mentors from 8 partner companies. A two-day competition during which 24 teams has worked on issues encountered by our 8 partners.

2021 - Second Edition

The second Innovation & Health Hackathon was held on the 18th and 19th March 2021, in remote conditions, by Zoom, with 105 ESSEC (Chair's students & alumni/SMIS) and 20 Teamplayers divided in 27 teams and coached by 18 Mentors. A two days competition based on 9 real innovation cases. 

The 27 teams were guided by mentors from our 9 partners: 

2020 - First Hackathon

The first Innovation & Health Hackathon Innovation & Santé was held on the 18th and 19th June 2020, in remote conditions, by Zoom.

A two days competition based on 6 real innovation cases* proposed by 5 Partners involved in the Health sector:(* 2 subjects proposed by Roche)

90 French and International students from several ESSEC programs (25 Grande Ecole, 27 Advanced Master Marketing Management & Digital, 4 Advanced Master Strategy & Management of International Business, 34 Executive Master in Strategy & Management of Health Industries), specialized in the health sector and participating in the health teachings or from the ESSEC Innovation & Health Chair.

The 18 teams composed of 5 persons (3 teams by company) were guided by mentors from our 5 partners.