Program & Activities


■     Option « Health Systems »

Two courses are devoted to the analysis of the economic regulation of health systems (analysis of the functioning of insurance systems, market access for drugs and medical devices, pricing strategies in France and in other markets). 

A third course provides specialized training in the marketing of pharmaceutical products and medical devices.

Courses taught in French

■     Option « Innovation in Health »

At the crossroads of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and hospital organizations, these courses develop a pragmatic, action-learning approach based on real-life case studies, role playing and negotiation workshops. On completion of the sessions, participants have the skills to sponsor a project in an entrepreneurial spirit, build a strategic action plan, value innovation, negotiate and win the support of others.

Courses taught in English

Fiche Chaire Innovation & Santé_WEB_juin 2024.pdf
Fiche_A4_chair_of_innovation_and_health_June 2024.pdf

Activities carried out within the courses of the Chair

During the courses period, the students of the two options work in groups on a subject proposed by one of our partners.

They also participate in an Innovation and Health Hackathon.

The students of the Health Systems option have also to prepare a presentation on a strategic topic related to the pharmaceutical sector. The 3 students whose presentation is selected will participate in the final of the "Prix Smart Pharma - ESSEC - Ethypharm".