EuHEA Seminar Series Spring 2023

 EuHEA Seminar Series Spring 2023

The EuHEA* seminar series brings together health economists all across its member associations, and beyond, to discuss cutting-edge research.
(*European Health Economics Association)

The EuHEA Seminar Series has been established as a key activity of EuHEA to foster exchange between health economists across different countries and institutions and present cutting-edge research in all areas of health economics. The series is organized as an online event and will take place on Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30pm, from March 7 to June 20 2023. A Scientific Committee chaired by Karine Lamiraud (ESSEC Paris) and Rossella Verzulli (University of Bologna) will coordinate the series in the academic year 2022/2023.


To register for the online seminar series, please click here.


To view the program, please click here

The EuHEA Seminar Series Fall 2022 took place from September 27 to December 13 2022. 

A Scientific Committee chaired by Karine Lamiraud (ESSEC Paris) and Rossella Verzulli (University of Bologna) coordinated this series in the academic year 2022/2023.


To view the program, please click here