In September 2019, the Chair of Innovation in Health and the Chair of Health systems merged.

The Innovation and Health Chair is a teaching and research chair. Its historical partner is Sanofi Genzyme.

The Chair’s educational objective is to train business leaders capable of:

The Chair offers two options of 75 hours of lessons each: 

one option on Health Systems and Health Marketing (in French) 

one option on Innovation in Health (in English).

The Chair also develops research programs on the explanatory factors of health costs and the diffusion of health innovation, the methods of evaluating health strategies, the competition in health insurance, the use of big data methods for the analysis of health insurance data, the choices made by patients in health systems. 

The Chair has become an academic place of excellence for all actors in the health ecosystem.

The Chair teaser can be directly downloaded via the website. You can also contact the Chair Assistant, Suzanne Gaudet to collect it at:


Discover the last class of the Chair

The last Innovation and Health Hackathon
took place on 14th and 15th March in Cergy

Chairs & Tracks Fair:

Presentations of the Innovation & Health Chair by Professor Karine Lamiraud:

Only for ESSEC students