
Elementary Schedules and Google Meets

Hello K-1!

If you would like to tune into our class from home, please let Mrs. Jakubowski know at jakubowski@erinshool.org. Once you let her know, use the schedule and the link to the left to access the class! You must contact Mrs. Jakubowski first otherwise the link will not be activated.

Sept. 1st - Sept. 25th

We will be starting out the school year learning and recognizing the steady beat! Check out the videos activities below to see what we have been learning about!

Steady Beat: The Heart Beat of Music

Try to find the Steady Beat!

Steady Beat Activity

Practice keeping the Steady Beat at Home!

Body Percussion Activity

Choose you favorite song and see if you can use body percussion to perform the steady beat! Body percussion includes clapping, stomping, patting, snapping, and more!

Catch the Bubbles!

In this steady beat game, you will have to catch the bubbles along with the cat to the steady beat!