4th Grade

Elementary Schedules and Google Meets

Elementary Music Schedule

If you would like to tune into our class from home, please let Mrs. Jakubowski know at jakubowski@erinshool.org. Once you let her know, use the schedule and the link to the left to access the class! You must contact Mrs. Jakubowski first otherwise the link will not be activated.

September 1st-11th

We will be beginning the school year by reviewing steady beat and learning about rhythms! Check out the videos and activities below to see what we have been learning about. Check out the classroom resources to see what your fellow classmates in school have been using to learn the material!

Steady Beat and Rhythm Resources

Steady Beat Review

Note Names and Values

How Many Beats are in the Notes and Rests

Rhythm Values and Counts

Rhythm Note Names, Values, and Counting Sheet

Rhythm Counting Practice #1

Rhythm Counting Practice #2

Rhythm Counting Practice #3

Time Signatures, Barlines, and Meter

Counting Rhythms with Numbers

Classroom Materials

Day 2- steady beat/rhythm

Week One

Day 4: The Half Note

Week One and Two

week 2

Week Two