P.6/7 Blog

Welcome to our P6/7 Blog

What a wonderful class of children we have in Primary 6/7.  The children and I will post regular updates about what we are learning, which should provide you with a snapshot of where your children are in their learning journey. 

We hope you enjoy reading about our fantastic learning and the great activities we have been taking part in. We are really excited to share all our learning with you.   

We hope you enjoy our blog! From p6/7

Here are some useful websites to help with your child's learning:


Please remember that Home Learning is assigned on P6/7's Google Classroom on a Tuesday and is due in the following Monday.  

P.E. is on  Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember your P.E. kit.

If there is anything I can do further to support you with your child's learning, please do not hesitate to contact me via schoolmail@maidenhill.e-renfrew.sch.uk   

Thanks Miss Livingstone   😀