October 2023

Numeracy/ Maths

We found out what square and cube numbers are and what they mean. I now know what they are and I can work out problems involving them- Calum P

In Maths we have been very busy learning about durations of time, different units of time and different time zones. We have also been trying to work out the time, speed and distance when problem solving.

We have been learning about the 7 Wonders of the World, both manmade and natural.  One of our challenges was to build a 7 wonder of the world. 

They are attempting to make Christ The Redeemer using LEGO!

Busy building Petra!

We made a building with Christ the Redeemer.

They are making the Great Wall of China out of Kapla. It collapsed in the end!

I liked it because I could challenge my building skills- Zander

Written by Matthew and Murray.

They are using Kapla to build the Chichen Itza

Our masterpiece!


We have been learning about the Seven Wonders of the World and pick one to do a presentation about it. Firstly, we researched the wonder, took notes and then presented our work to the class.

We made a big tower by using a specific  pattern. We tried to make it as tall as possible. by Matthew and Ismaeel


We have been learning to play hockey. We have been learning to pass, shoot and tackle.  We enjoyed playing mini games to improve our skills. We played a mini tournament to end our hockey lessons.

We learnt how to be safe with  a hockey stick.