May and June

Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning about co -ordinates especially how to solve problems involving them. We then designed and made our own games based on co-ordinates.


We have been reading, acting and writing playscripts. We have read a version of Macbeth and especially enjoyed the witches' prophesises- 'Double, double toil and trouble.'

' We watched a video  clips of Macbeth based on history of Scotland. Macbeth was a fighter for his cousin king Duncan. On his way back to the camp with Banquo they saw 3 witches. Witch 1  said' All Hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis' . The 2nd witch said 'All Hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor' The 3rd witch said' All hail the next King, Macbeth' 

My favourite part was when Macduff finally killed Macbeth! by Zizi


We went on a great school trip to 5 Sisters Zoo. We learnt about animal conservation and made sustainable animal enclosures. 

'I made an animal enclosure for two red pandas. I chose this because they are cute but endangered.' by Jade

We discovered the best conditions to grow mould  are wet and dark.

We learnt about Edward Jenner and the discovery of the first vaccinations.


We investigated the best conditions that mould grows.

'The mouldy was DISGUSTING!' by Amina

We looked at our findings under the microscope


Art and Design

We studied the artist M.C. Escher. We took inspiration from his work and had a go!

I drew a picture of a hand coming out of the paper. It turned out well.

 by Logan Mc Lean

We learnt about Native Americans- their culture, homes, traditions and superstitions.

'We learnt lots about the types of houses they lived  in and then had the chance to build our own.' by Sam