November and December 2023


We read different fables such as the Frog and the Ox and the Ant and the Grasshopper. We learnt the features of a fable and what a moral is. We then acted out some of the fables, using our acting skills with the help of a few props! 


We have been very busy learning about fractions, decimals, angles and budgeting.  We now know how to buy a meal on a budget and how to spot a bargain. P7 set up their own business for their enterprise project. They decided to make and sell bracelets and origami football shirts.  This has proved very successful, raising money for charity and their school prom. We will let you know how much they have made and the charity they have decided to give to next month.

Making bracelets and football shirts for our P7  Enterprise!

Building a suspension bridge.

IDL- Bridges

We have been learning about different bridges and parts of a bridge. We tested different structures to see what makes bridges strong.  We managed to build beam bridges, truss bridges and suspension bridges.

Truss Bridges.

Truss Bridge


'We programmed the bolt to make animal noises when it is thrown.'  Matthew

'We were coding the lego so that it started and stopped by colour sense. '  Zander, Luke and Murray


We  built a very complicated ship using Kapla blocks!


We have been testing our fitness and agility in indoor athletics. We have tried speed bounce, vertical high jump, shuttle runs, vertical high jump and triple jump.

PE Fitness challenges.


We designed  and then painted or coloured Winter scene snow globes. ❄️ ⛷️ ⛄ 

"We had fun making our Christmas art for the afternoon." Ismaeel