March 2024


Over the last few weeks, we have been  reading the book Shackleton's Journey. We wrote a motivational speech as if we were Shackleton, designed our own journey , wrote instructions on how to build an igloo and researched members of the crew. We shared our presentations with each other.  😀

After we read the book we researched the food people usually eat when they are stationed in Antarctica. We then made our own fun celebration for crossing Antarctica. We enjoyed making and definitely eating our snow creations!

World Book Day

We took part in many different activities for World Book Day including Blind Date with a Book, listened to the visiting author Martin Stewart who wrote the Brigit Vanderpuff books and played 'Guess the Shelfie'.  We also designed a giant bookmark for the school competition. We did so well and won out of all the other  classes in the school! Our prize is £100 worth of Scholastic books for our class book corner. 😀


We have been working hard on different types of statistics such as bar charts, line graphs and pie charts. We also found out about the mean, mode , median and range. We timed ourselves doing different exercises and then found out the mean, mode , median and range for our class. We discovered that we are a fit class! 😀


We have been learning about electricity over the last few weeks.  We know the difference between mains and battery electricity, electrical safety, circuit symbols and how to build different types of circuits. We had a lot of fun lighting up bulbs, buzzing buzzers and switching on and off motors! 😆

Health and Well Being

We learnt about what bullying is, the role of bystanders, different types of bullying , how to help bullies and those who are being bullied and who to turn to when being bullied. We then ran workshops for children from Primary 2 to Primary 4. We wrote our own lessons and then taught it to the younger children. It was enjoyable but exhausting! 😁

         Art and Design

We used air drying clay to sculpt and model an animal of our choice that lives in the Antarctica. We sculpted penguins, whales and sea leopards. When they were dry, we  attempted to paint them. The hardest thing was trying to stop parts of the model falling off!

Trying to sculpt the animals.

Waiting to dry!

Painted sculptures

P.E. - Badminton

Getting ready to serve..........

Perfecting our skills!

Where is my partner?

Trying a smash......

Who will win the point?

We had fun developing our badminton  skills!